

Kleos invites MA students, PhD candidates and independent researchers to publish their work. A contribution should be submitted before the appointed Call for Papers deadline. After a submission has been received, it will be first considered by at least two members of the editorial team. 


Suitable papers will then be peer-reviewed by at least two established academic experts, who have an affinity with the discussed subject. The Kleos Editorial Advisory Board members will be asked to suggest reviewers from their professional network, thus papers will be screened by anonymous external experts. 


Submissions are assessed on their innovative approach and content. Based on their reviews, the editorial team will then decide whether to accept or reject the submitted paper for publication. Authors should expect a decision within a month after submission. 


Here you will find the details of our Editorial Policy


The Author Guide will help you work through your paper, which can be checked against the Submission Checklist once it is complete. 


You can also use the Copyright Permission Template to acquire the right to use images and/or tables in your paper.


Happy writing!